March 15TH (8 pm -1am)


What up good friends.  Here we dont judge. We turn up party and have a good time with any any everybody. Its your safe space to enjoy yourself with friends of nature with similar backgrounds thoughts and ideas so you won't feel like an outcast in those other places so this party is designated especially for you. Bring a friend and tell a friend to tell a friend. Use the email address to get in contact and confirmed. You can send flyer to your friends as well so they can get on guest list. Entry fee is to help the upkeep and maintenance of the Playhouse. Food, refreshments, music, pool table, and entertainment all provided. Come enjoy

  • $20 entry fee (ladies free b4 10 pm)
  • Bring exact cash
  • BYOB
  • BYOW

Email: For address and confirmation 


Txt only 804-668-6066



April 5th (8 pm -1am)


What up good friends.  Here we dont judge. We turn up party and have a good time with any any everybody. Its your safe space to enjoy yourself with friends of nature with similar backgrounds thoughts and ideas so you won't feel like an outcast in those other places so this party is designated especially for you. Bring a friend and tell a friend to tell a friend. Use the email address to get in contact and confirmed. You can send flyer to your friends as well so they can get on guest list. Entry fee is to help the upkeep and maintenance of the Playhouse. Food, refreshments, music, pool table, and entertainment all provided. Come enjoy

  • $20 entry fee (Ladies free b4 10 pm)
  • Bring exact cash
  • BYOB
  • BYOW

Email: For address and confirmation 


Txt only 804-668-6066



April 19th (8 pm -1am)


What up good friends.  Here we dont judge. We turn up party and have a good time with any any everybody. Its your safe space to enjoy yourself with friends of nature with similar backgrounds thoughts and ideas so you won't feel like an outcast in those other places so this party is designated especially for you. Bring a friend and tell a friend to tell a friend. Use the email address to get in contact and confirmed. You can send flyer to your friends as well so they can get on guest list. Entry fee is to help the upkeep and maintenance of the Playhouse. Food, refreshments, music, pool table, and entertainment all provided. Come enjoy

  • $20 entry fee (Ladies free b4 10 pm)
  • Bring exact cash
  • BYOB
  • BYOW

Email: For address and confirmation 


Txt only 804-668-6066